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#done造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、We had to have the washing done at the laundry.我们不得不把衣服放在洗衣店里洗。

2、Yes, the Sunshine State has done a lot for humanity, including tickling its collective funny bone.确实,阳光州为人类做了不少贡献,包括它的全民幽默感。

3、Nothing could be done without her say-so.未经她准许,什么都不可以做。

4、Her hair could have done with a wash.她的头发该洗一洗了。

5、On this basis, a protomodel is made and experiments has been done with it在此基础上,制造出实体并进行了初步的压气机台架实验。

6、To do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom.为了保住这最后的、最伟大的自由堡垒,我们必须尽我们所能。

7、As we crossed the state line, I was convinced we could win Ohio, as Jimmy Carter had done in 1976.越过州境线的时候,我认定我们能够在俄亥俄州获胜,就像吉米·卡特在1976年获胜一样。

8、What have you done with my Mama?你把我妈妈怎么了?

9、His class voted him the man "who had done the most for Yale."他所在的班级投票授予他“耶鲁最大贡献者”称号。

10、Remember that these are costs of tasks done at maintenance time.请记住这些是在维护期间所完成的任务费用。

11、It must also be done with a profit and remuneration structure that is fair to everyone.它还必须有一个对每个人都公平的利润和薪酬结构。

12、So he smote the child till it wept, and when he had done this they went hurriedly out of the city.他于是将孩子打哭了,他们便急如星火地离开了这座城。

13、If he was a conspirator, it seemed inconceivable that he would have done so.如果司机是同谋,那他这么做似乎不可思议。

14、Can anything be done to reverse this trend?有什么办法扭转这种倾向吗?

15、All this is transparent and done behind the scenes.所有这些都是透明的且在屏幕后面进行的。

16、But it ought not be done cavalierly.但不应该这样随便做。

17、More technical studied should be done to get higher leaching rate.为了获取更高的提取率,需做进一步的工艺研究。

18、But there is also something ennobling about the enterprise when it is done properly.但也有一些关于它的时候是做得好的企业崇高。

19、Obviously, this is done with high precision to compliment the set.很显然,这种高精度的做法值得称赞。

20、With all the work yet to be done and with all the interruptions, he was at the end of his tether.有形形色色的工作要做,又有各种各样的干扰,他真是束手无策了。

21、He had been urged by his spiritual leader to enter the marathon though he had done no training.尽管从未训练过,他的精神领袖还是力劝他参加这次马拉松比赛。

22、Little was done to cool credit growth, or to halt the fatal reliance on foreign capital.没人努力给信贷热降温,也没有人阻止对外国资本致命的依赖。

23、Furthermore, something had to be done for the people as well as for the chimps.而且不光是黑猩猩,我们也必须得为那些可怜的人们做点什么。

24、We have done many projects in Asia Pacific.我们已经在亚太地区完成了许多项目。

25、He has done a good job他的工作干得不错。

26、I don't want to take away from his achievements, but he couldn't have done it without my help.我不想贬低他的成就,但是如果没有我的帮助,他是做不成的。

27、It cannot be done without offence.做这种事非得罪人不可。

28、How we were going to get his homework done before his karate class.我们如何让他在空手道课前做完家庭作业。

29、The CERES inspector spot - checks, whether this job has been done properly.CERES检查员进行现场检查看工作有没有合适地做好。

30、True enough. Yet despite all that, the EU has not done enough to quell the markets.然而实际情况是,尽管取得了如此成就,但欧盟在平息市场方面做的并不够。

done翻译a. 完成了的, 好了的do的过去分词相关词组: have done with... be done for done for 详情




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